Media Design

Semester 4

Final Grade: A

Content includes:

5 Design phases showing the development progress for the following:

Mission Statements, Logos, Fonts, Mood Photos, Character Illustrations, Vehicle Wraps, Billboard Advertisements, Printed/Magazine Advertisements, Commercial Storyboards, Packaging Designs, and Interactive Applications.

Summary notes from class textbook “Zag,” by Marty Newmeyer.
4th Design phase’s critiques from random audiences
5th Design phase’s critiques from 2 local professional business designers

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mission Statement 3

Design 3


  1. It is not very concise. I would have done something like. "Bringing, adventure, imagination and strategic thought to the gaming table since 1992."

  2. We suggest focusing on what the company IS and cut out what it IS NOT. It wastes a lot of word space to mention the flaws of our video game era, when in most peoples minds, it is already implied. Maybe a mixture of what Nathan L. said and your own statement like: "Encouraging communication and camaraderie in gaming families since 1992" (You don't need to sell us on the need for socializing, just that your companies games encourage it.) It has good vocabulary for the game culture!

  3. My thought is that a mission statement is written primarily to guide the employees and stock holders of the company about the goals of organization. It should give direction and help formulate the strategy of the company. With this in mind, I think this statement sounds too much like a sales pitch to me. Also, its a bit wordy in my opinion.
